2019: Setting Goals for the New Year

2019: Setting Goals for the New Year

SEOEnter a focus keyphrase to calculate the SEO score We've all been there. That crushing moment when the new year is just a ball drop away and, we think to ourselves, "what have I done this year?" Immediately, we begin to dread the next 365 days. We ask ourselves why we didn't make the time or why do  I even bother? The truth is, you're not alone! According to research conducted by the University of Scranton, 92 percent of people feel unaccomplished in their yearly goals. However, we here at Reignite want to help you head into the new year with confidence!  First, let's talk about you and how you feel. Typically, people believe the biggest challenge for themselves is external. However, the truth is, it's very much internal. Our…
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We Need to Talk About Sexual Assault

We Need to Talk About Sexual Assault

The United States Department of Justice defines sexual assault as any unwanted sexual activity or sexual situation where a person is not able to give consent. The definition serves as a general guideline when determining if a sexual assault has occurred. Unfortunately, rape is one of the most underreported crimes in the United States and the hardest to prove. While social awareness of sexual assault has increased due to the influx of high-profile rape cases, victims still have a long road ahead of them. One of the major hurdles a sexual assault survivor must overcome is reporting the crime. Statistics show that roughly 90% of rape crimes go unreported. Moreover, victims often have few supporters because their attackers are usually someone close to them and others. That's why we must support survivors…
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Self-Care and Why You Need it Today

Self-Care and Why You Need it Today

We all need a break sometimes. A little escape from our everyday lives to help us focus and re-center our mind and body. Unfortunately, we underestimate the power of self-care but, it helps us tremendously. Self-care has nothing to do with routine maintenance like brushing your teeth, showering, and shaving. It's about checking in with yourself. It's making the conscious decision to address whatever issues you may be experiencing whether it's sadness, exhaustion, or chronic pain. As a psychologist, I often recommend self-care because it's an effective coping mechanism for life's stresses. Unfortunately, some people don't have a clear definition of what self-care is and is not. The first thing to remember is that self-care is intentional. It's about having no expectations of yourself for the day. To fill your…
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World Kindness Day: I have a Challenge for You

When I was growing up, things were a little slower. You grew up but, not too fast. We made friends but, not too many. And, of course, we knew there were three things you never did. You don't cheat, you don't steal, and you respected everyone. Now, we can have a discussion about the issues my generation faced. But, one thing we don't have anymore is a sense of kindness. I'm not talking about the smile and wave you give a coworker in the morning. I am talking about a genuine act of kindness towards another person. We're missing that and, it's time we brought it back. We used to check on one another. Go over to their house, bring them a cake, make sure they were okay. We also…
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